Name: Jason Babulski
Team: B02/03 Red
Number of Years at Copa: 4
HS: Bridgewater - Raritan regional High School
HS Honors: Honor Roll Coaches at Copa: Coach Pablo Andino College Attending: Hood College
Conference: MAC
Anticipated Major: Criminal Justice
Quote about a specific coach:
Coach Pablo is there for us both on and off the field. I have learned so much from him and his knowledge of the game is unmatched.
What are your most memorable moments or experiences at FC Copa Academy?
My favorite experiences at Copa have been traveling with the team to tournaments, having the team meetings in the hotel and bonding with my team. These are memories I will always treasure.
How did FC Copa Academy help you become the player you are today?
Joining FC Copa changed me from someone who played the game just for fun, into someone who truly loves the game. My soccer IQ has risen in the four years I have been here. As a newcomer, I was accepted with open arms onto my team and that level of comfort has helped me become the player I am today.
How did FC Copa Academy help you get into the college program you will be attending?
FC Copa made the difficult process of college recruitment much easier to navigate. Explaining how to contact coaches through tournaments was such a big help. I found the perfect college fit for me at Hood College!
What are your thoughts and experiences on the collegiate recruitment process with FC Copa Academy? Coach Lori's academic assistance was extremely helpful. Meeting with her and Coach Roberto helped me focus both on the soccer and the academic sides of the collegiate recruitment process. They were willing to help me with and I'm very grateful for all the guidance they provided.
What advice would you give to future FC Copa Academy athletes going through the collegiate recruitment process?
I would say to always conduct yourself like someone is watching - both on and off the field. Take advantage of the opportunities given to you, especially the academic assistance that Copa provides. #TheCopaWay #WeAreCopa #CopaCommits