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"Keep up with your conditioning... it's a critical part of our soccer foundation"

CopaFit Workout #7

FC Copa Academy Remote Fitness for Players

*The remote fitness assignments will follow a similar format at the Monday training sessions we have done so far.

  1. Dynamic Warm Up = 6 - 7 minutes

  2. Agility training = 10 - 12 minutes

  3. Core (20 seconds, 20 seconds, 20 seconds) = 5 - 10 minutes

  4. Strength = approx 20 minutes

  5. Sprint work and/or Running = approx. 10 minutes

BOTH DAYS: Dynamic Warm Up (each for 20 seconds)

High Knees, Heels, Open the Gate, Close the Gate, Straight Kicks, Kick-Across, Sweeps, Lunges, High Skips

5 exercises, 5 rounds through

(30 seconds each exercise)

  1. Burpees

  2. Over-the-ball abs

  3. Switching Lunges

  4. Opposite shoulder taps

  5. Squat Jumps


*Additional Running - run 1 mile as fast as possible.

CopaFit Workout #6

FC Copa Academy Remote Fitness for Players

*The remote fitness assignments will follow a similar format at the Monday training sessions we have done so far.

  1. Dynamic Warm Up = 6 - 7 minutes

  2. Agility training = 10 - 12 minutes

  3. Core (20 seconds, 20 seconds, 20 seconds) = 5 - 10 minutes

  4. Strength = approx 20 minutes

  5. Sprint work and/or Running = approx. 10 minutes

BOTH DAYS: Dynamic Warm Up (each for 20 seconds)

High Knees, Heels, Open the Gate, Close the Gate, Straight Kicks, Kick-Across, Sweeps, Lunges, High Skips

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CopaFit Workout #5

*The remote fitness assignments will follow a similar format at the Monday training sessions we have done so far.

  1. Dynamic Warm Up = 6-7 minutes

  2. Agility training = 10-12 minutes

  3. Core (20 seconds, 20 seconds, 20 seconds) = 5-10 minutes

  4. Strength = approx 20 minutes

  5. Sprint work and/or Running = approx. 10 minutes

PRIOR TO STARTING THE EXERCISES: Dynamic Warm Up (each for 20 seconds)

High Knees, Heels, Open the Gate, Close the Gate, Straight Kicks, Kick-Across, Sweeps, Lunges, High Skips


CopaFit Workout #4

FC Copa Academy Remote Fitness for Players

*The remote fitness assignments will follow a similar format at the Monday training sessions we have done so far.

  1. Dynamic Warm Up = 6-7 minutes

  2. Agility training = 10-12 minutes

  3. Core (20 seconds, 20 seconds, 20 seconds) = 5-10 minutes

  4. Strength = approx 20 minutes

  5. Sprint work and/or Running = approx. 10 minutes


Dynamic Warm Up (each for 20 seconds)

High Knees, Heels, Open the Gate, Close the Gate, Straight Kicks, Kick-Across, Sweeps, Lunges, High Skips

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FC Copa Academy Remote Fitness for Players Week 3


The remote fitness assignments will follow a similar format at the Monday training sessions we have done so far.


  1. Dynamic Warm Up = 6-7 minutes

  2. Agility training = 10-12 minutes

  3. Core (20 seconds, 20 seconds, 20 seconds) = 5-10 minutes

  4. Sprint work and/or Running = approx. 10 minutes

BOTH DAYS: Dynamic Warm Up (each for 20 seconds)
High Knees, Heels, Open the Gate, Close the Gate, Straight Kicks, Kick-Across, Sweeps, Lunges, High Skips



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FC Copa Academy Remote Fitness for Players Week 1


The remote fitness assignments will follow a similar format at the Monday training sessions we have done so far.

  1. Dynamic Warm Up = 6-7 minutes

  2. Agility training = 10-12 minutes

  3. Core (20 seconds, 20 seconds, 20 seconds) = 5-10 minutes

  4. Sprint work and/or Running = approx. 10 minutes


Dynamic Warm Up (each for 20 seconds)

  1. High Knees

  2. Heels

  3. Open the Gate

  4. Close the Gate

  5. Straight Kicks

  6. Kick-Across

  7. Sweeps

  8. Lunges

  9. High Skips


Agility Training (exercises 1 and 2 x 5 sets)

  1. Quick Feet on stairs or curb (as many reps as possible in 30 seconds)

  2. Lateral bounds (as wide as possible for 30 seconds)


Core (20 seconds, 20 seconds, 20 seconds x 5 sets)

  1. 20 seconds: Crunches with soccer bag on your feet (as many reps as possible)

  2. 20 seconds: Push Ups *make sure jersey touches floor on the way down (as many as possible)

  3. 20 seconds of rest



  1. Timed 1-mile run around your neighborhood or track.

FC Copa Academy Remote Fitness for Players Week 2


The remote fitness assignments will follow a similar format at the Monday training sessions we have done so far.

  1. Dynamic Warm Up = 6-7 minutes

  2. Agility training = 10-12 minutes

  3. Core (20 seconds, 20 seconds, 20 seconds) = 5-10 minutes

  4. Sprint work and/or Running = approx. 10 minute

Dynamic Warm Up (each for 20 seconds)

  1. High Knees

  2. Heels

  3. Open the Gate

  4. Close the Gate

  5. Straight Kicks

  6. Kick-Across

  7. Sweeps

  8. Lunges

  9. High Skips


Agility Training (exercises 1 and 2 x 5 sets)

  1. 5 - 10 - 5 (3 of them, rest 20 seconds in between each one)

  2. Lunge Right, Lunge Left, Explosive Jump off of 2 feet (30 seconds of the sequence)


Core (20 seconds, 20 seconds, 20 seconds x 5 sets)

  1. 20 seconds: Commando’s in plank position

  2. 20 seconds: Russian Twists with soccer ball

  3. 20 seconds of rest


  1. Quarter Mile x 4 rest 1 minute in between each one.

    • ELITE CHALLENGE TARGET TIME - 1:20 or under each time (HS age players should target this mark)

    • Note, running each quarter mile in


FC Copa Academy | New Jersey Copa FC
6 Dickerson Rd., Hillsborough, NJ 08844 | 732.662.5202

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